Maybe you’re familiar with the term “Cava”, or maybe you’re not. But y’know that iconic black and gold bottle of bubbly that you’ve seen at every New Years Party? Surely you’ve had a glass of it at some point right? Well, that’s Cava. So what is Cava exactly? And what makes it different from Champagne or Prosecco?
Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut Cava – Review
This is “POP or FLOP”, where we taste test sparkling wines so you don’t have to! This week we’re sipping Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut Cava! This popular Spanish sparkling is known the world over for it’s distinct black label bottle – but, is this a bottle of bubbles you should POP? 💁 Or is it a FLOP? 🙅 Let’s see… Freixenet (pronounced “fresh-eh-net”) is a large winery from Catalonia, located just to the north of Barcelona in the Penedès region of Spain. Cordon Negro Brut, introduced in 1974, is Freixenet’s most popular cava and is often referred to as the …